Technical Musings: Intro

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well, it's taken some time, but I finally started a Blog.

Why? Why do more documentation than I already do?

One reason: Went to OSCON and was asked 'do you have a blog' one too many time.

I currently work as a System Engineer doing performance and scalability testing. Not QA! (Not that there's anything wrong with that). Every test I do is automated and I'm often part of the solution to any problem I find.

I work for a company with very strict SLAs and so we spend a lot of time and money ensuring our systems will perform at whole-web scales.

Although everything I test is web-centric, almost none of it is web pages. So many times I can't use test tools like LoadRunner to produce load. I work with Open Source tools or just create my own.

I work with a lot of different technologies and have access to a large amount of gear that other people probably don't have access to.

So here is my Blog on what I've either played with or tested professionally. It's sometimes hard to tell the difference.

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